Julianne Kanzaki

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Order Out of Chaos.

I heard the news at 3pm last Thursday. A wave of shock, then anger, then sadness passed over me. I finished meeting with my patients and went home. What do I do with all of these swirling emotions?

I did what I’ve learned to do when overwhelmed with erratic emotions. I decided to make art. I gathered my basket, my clippers, and went on a walk.

After placing down this first center flower, my mind began to calm. The crow feathers, six of them, represented the six events we did together over the summer. I placed the acorns down, symbolizing the hope for the new chapters of what’s ahead. And the red pedals, this fiery color that gave me and others permission to be angry and upset at the situation.

I created a video and sent this altar to the woman I made it for. A small offering of solidarity. To show her that she’s not alone and she’s is surrounded by the rest of us- the other purple flowers- who are forever in her corner.

The next time you feel disoriented and discombobulated, make something. Create order from chaos. Let the dust settle into something meaningful and beautiful.