A special Valentine's Day spoken word poem, compiled from various journal entries over the years that I wrote on Valentine's Day around what I was 'thinking about love.' For this performance, I was joined by the talented singer/songwriter Esther Young. (Feb 2024)
For all adults, girls, and BOYSENBERRY busy, stressful, and demanding environments, here’s a quick tool to calm and re-center yourself.
•Open up your hand so it looks like a starfish ⭐️
•Beginning with your thumb, sync your breath while you trace the outline of each finger
•Slowly inhale through your nose as you go up your finger
•Slowly exhale through your mouth as you down your finger
•Repeat with all five fingers
(Made with boysenberries; Sept 2023)
Spiraling Up (December 2024)
Sometimes in life it feels like we’re always coming back to re-learn the same lesson. But in reality, we’re experiencing it on a new level, with a deeper knowledge from past situations that continue to upgrade us. The pattern of this piece was a reminder to continue to trust the process in our ever-expanding evolution.
Created in Henry Cowell Redwood State Park.
Love says ALPACA your lunch. I’ll hug you when you’re sad. Celebrate your wins. Love says I believe in you and wholeheartedly support your dreams. I’ll do the dishes tonight because you’re exhausted. Text you that I’m thinking of you. Love says I’m sorry. I’m not going anywhere. Let’s work this out.
And sometimes, love says you deserve more than I can give you. Spread your wings and fly. I will be rooting for you always, loving you from afar.
(Made with Lion’s Mane mushroom; February 2023)
Favorite Feelings (March 2022): In an effort to celebrate the wonderful feelings that make life enjoyable, I reached out to a few special friends to gather what their ‘favorite feelings’ were. What unfolded was a meaningful personal project fusing various mixed media with sentiments celebrating the human experience.
Crossing the Threshold (May 2024)
A symbol of intentionally moving from a place of hyper-independence/'lone-wolf' mentality into a space of conscious collaborations with trusted community members and friends (symbolized with all the 2s, 3s, and 4 patterns). Creating this altar signified my crossing over, and the freedom that comes from allowing myself to be seen and witnessed.
Find Your Flock (May 2024)
To anyone who’s felt like they don’t belong or fit in- Embrace your weirdness. Lean into the hobbies and activities that delight you. Be brave enough to explore and roam pastures that call to you, as unique as they may be. Keep doing things that make you feel alive, even if they seem silly or crazy.
Where you find your flow, you’ll find your flock. 🐑🐑
Grief and Love (May 2024)
This impermanent earth art was created in remembrance of my meditation teacher, Mark. Saturday was the 3-year anniversary of his passing, as symbolized by three purple petals. The red and white rose petals signify how grief and love are intertwined. If the flowers are wilted by tomorrow and some petals have been blown away, was making this piece of art worth it? If the ones we love won’t be here forever and one day they’re gone, was loving them worth it? The answer is YES. Always, yes.
Carve Your Own Path (Sept 2024)
This piece is a tangible reminder to carve your own path. It was a year ago that I started my 9-month Morning Altars Teacher Training program, and this piece represents my love of nutrition, Japan, friendship, and Morning Altars- a practice that has taught me the beauty of meaning-making through creativity and ritual.
May we all celebrate the unique ways we contribute to the world. May we be fearless in the expression of those gifts, courageously carving our own paths.
Made with brown rice, beech mushrooms, takuan, green onion, pickled cucumber, carrots, edamame, shredded nori, and perilla.

As a health and wellness coach, one of my greatest joys is celebrating with my clients and reminding them of how far they've come. I wrote this spoken word poem as a reminder to recognize our own progress, however big or small.
“And I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh again.”
~Charles Bukowski
A spoken word poem I wrote to conclude my keynote for the "Reinventing Aging After 50: Age Your Way" Conference. I invite you to challenge preconceived notions of aging and instead ask yourself "What if?" to create a new framework of possibility to live into. (Jan 2024)