Today’s art made possible by delicata squash.
Instead of ignoring or SQUASHing your fears and doubts before taking a big leap, try writing them down. Describe in detail the worst case scenario- the “absolute nightmare” that could happen if you were to make that jump. Then objectively examine it. Oftentimes our “worst fears” are actually much scarier in our heads than on paper. Usually what we fear doing most is what we most need to do.
One of the scariest things I did was quit my full-time clinical nutrition job in 2017 to branch out and harness my other passions of wellness coaching, speaking, and lifestyle medicine. I had worn a white labcoat in the hospital for 11 years (!!!). I called the doctors by their first names and was friends with the nurses and knew the tube feed formularies and the generic diabetic education by heart. I had a stable paycheck and health insurance. But I was deeply unsatisfied. At the time I knew very little about entrepreneurship, marketing, building a business, finding clients, tracking invoices, and networking on social media platforms. But I was hungry for change. I did this exact exercise of fear setting, budgeted for my decision, and then bravely took the leap.
It wasn’t like I was ephemerally coasting over clouds in a state of bliss. I worked harder than I’d ever worked before. But I’ve never looked back, and I can tell you wholeheartedly that this has been an exciting, fulfilling and remarkable ride— one that I’d almost missed— had I stayed comfortable and safe on the ground.
What will you do with your one wild and precious life?