Today is Day 21 of #the100dayproject. In our weekly collective call last week, we talked about some of the things that have been coming up for us: What if you miss a day? How do you hop back in to the project without giving up altogether? How do you handle comparing your project to others that you see? How do you continue to create when you're not entirely proud of your art for that day?
There are certain days when I don't have the energy or time to produce a piece of work that I feel completely proud of. Even 21 days in, I've come face-to-face with the pressure to make a more creative and artistic piece than the previous day. After the first week it didn't feel fun anymore. So I allowed myself to iterate and shift gears, to play and include food into the illustration. This transformed my project and I began to look forward to creating again.
Pumpkin seeds are a good source of iron, and just 1/4 cup contains 9g of protein! #100daysofthekanzakimethodfood #Day11of100
Lettuce be aware of our thoughts and environment. Are you swimming in feelings of self-doubt, anxiety or fear? Or are you swimming in acceptance, self-love, and growth? Sometimes it comes down to a simple reframe. Use your fins wisely and swim to the environment that best supports you. #100daysofthekanzakimethodfood #Day16of100
The elephant inspiration hit me as I was slicing mushrooms. This project is training my eye to recognize the magic in the ordinary- which I'm certain is a skill that can transfer to other areas of work and writing and projects.... #100daysofthekanzakimethodfood #Day15of100
One of the artists shared something that completely resonated with me. She said, "Momentum is better than perfection."
Creating something and showing up that day is more important than skipping it altogether. This concept applies with changing your habits around food and body image as well. Daily momentum, whether that's eating a balanced and healthy meal, practicing gratitude, and moving your body consistently is more important than seeing that "perfect number" on the scale. (Spoiler alert: There IS no perfect number!) It's all about gaining momentum, putting in the effort each day, and ultimately these long-term healthy habits transform our mindset, our energy levels, and our outlook on life.
Inhale deeply. Exhale deeply. Fill your lungs and heart with gratitude. Nuts like walnuts contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids which reduce cardiovascular heart disease and contribute to improved brain function and mood. #100daysofthekanzakimethodfood #Day14of100
And just like #the100dayproject, we all have a body of work that reflects these daily decisions. These daily actions contribute to healthy momentum.
One brush stroke. One step. One healthy meal.
And then two brush strokes. Two steps. Two healthy meals.
Momentum is better than perfection.