Seen mid-way through our run along Macedo Ranch trail.
Our run came to a screeching halt when we came across a bull on the trails today. We tiptoed around him. We spoke in hushed whispers. We avoided eye-contact, trying our best to remain unseen and non-threatening, lest he erupt in a full-charged attack towards us. Once we got past him, we relaxed, found our stride again, and breathed a huge sigh of relief.
We all have had experiences with a 'bull' in our lives. Around them, you must tread lightly. It's like walking on eggshells- tentatively, meekly, submissively- trying not to rock the boat. It's a fearful and exhausting way to live.
It takes courage to leave. But it is necessary. And so freeing. At first, you keep looking over your shoulder, afraid of retaliation. But after time, you realize the bull and all of its shit is left behind in the horizon.
Run free.
Eventually, you find your stride again. You find your voice. You can laugh loudly with the wind at your back and finally feel free to be yourself. And you realize that you have miles of trails and open sky in front of you waiting to be explored.