A stunning view from the trail at Redwood Regional Park in Oakland, CA
Are you familiar with the Circle of Reciprocity? It’s based on the notion of asking and receiving. You sit in a circle. Usually with high achievers, everyone is mortified to ask for help. Eventually someone starts with their request. They need help designing their website. Someone to proofread their book proposal. Finding the best surf spots in Bali. A recipe for a gluten-free, vegan, nut-free dessert they need to make. The requests are all over the place because we all have different needs.
Always, inevitably, another member in the circle has the skillset or knowledge to help them. For every single request there is a matching offer. It’s altruism in its most purest form. Give and take. Community.
I’ve recently been incorporating the Circle of Reciprocity in my own life. It’s a fun way to celebrate the diversity of gifts, talents, and skillsets we have to make each other better. A back-to-the-basics way we can support others while also humbly receiving their offerings with equal gratitude.
In nature, a fairy ring is the name for a group of redwood trees growing in a circle, usually around the stump of a logged old-growth tree. This new generation of trees sprouts from the roots of the fallen redwood, creating a circle. They take advantage of the root system already in place, and through this gentle give and take process, they can all thrive and grow taller together.
What gifts can you offer in your circle? What do you need help with that someone else would be happy to support you with? Be open, and be amazed. Give and take. Ask and receive.