May your cup always runneth over. (Vernal Falls, Yosemite National Park)
Abundance. This was one of my core desired feelings for 2017. Knowing I was leaving a full-time, steady-paycheck job (aka. a financial security blanket) to build my own private practice, I knew that I would have to shift around certain material possessions in order to fund my dream. So 'abundance' landed on that list of desired feelings, mostly in a one-dimensional way of Dear God, please let me earn enough to pay my bills and eat.
While reflecting upon this past year, I realized that I experienced abundance on a variety of levels. Thankfully, my basic needs were met and the bills got paid. But now more than ever, I understand that an abundant life is one where I can live and do what makes my heart sing, have creative freedom, healthy and positive relationships, gratitude, and good health. An abundant life is one where there is no lack of potential, no creative cap or ceiling in terms of what I can envision and make, and one where joy is sparked in nature, in laughter, and in new experiences.
I learned this lesson this year: When you adopt a mindset of abundance instead of scarcity, you move from a place of fear to a place of love. An abundant life means intentionally choosing to live with the belief that there is enough for you. Enough for me. Enough for all of us.