Boronda Ridge Trail, Big Sur
this sky
where we live
is no place
to lose your wings.
so love, love
The first time I hiked this trail was in 2016. Solo. I felt adventurous and brave and curious. I was craving new landscapes in my professional life and turned to nature to invigorate me with feelings of freedom and awe before I made the leap.
Life has changed for the better since then. Even though it’s a trek to access, I love coming back to this trail. It humbles me, challenges me, inspires me, and makes me feel small in comparison to the grandeur of nature. Cresting the top is a reminder of how all progress begins with small steps, and the importance of looking back to celebrate how far you’ve climbed.
15% elevation all the way to the top. A hefty test of aerobic and muscular endurance, but enjoyable with the best company.
Some trails beg to be revisited even after many years. Some friendships are like this too. Worth returning to and exploring again, even after many seasons have gone by. A well-marked path of respect and deep admiration remains, even with the shifting seasons of sun and rain.
True beauty never fades.
What you once loved and admired still remains is the same- their undeniably beautiful heart and magnetic energy and sense of feeling at home in their presence. Just as wonderful as you remembered. Sometimes even better than you’d imagined.