Do you ever wish there was a word to describe something that you've known to be true? My favorite new word is "pronoia." It's the attitude or belief that the Universe is conspiring to help and assist you on your path. It's the opposite of paranoia.
When inquiring friends ask how I've been these past five months since branching out full-time on my own, I can only say that these months have been filled with 'synchronistic encounters.' There's no other way I could properly describe the deep connections that have transpired from talking to people in the coffee shop, thanking a speaker for sharing his story at Creative Mornings, and making small-talk with a stranger at a networking event. They have all turned out to be exceptional humans beings who have become close friends, encouraging me further down the path(s) I've wanted to go. My life has in fact, reflected 'pronoia' in the most beautiful way.
Brunchin' with the best! "Women in Art: Inaugural Business Brunch"
Remember that life is happening for us, not to us.
I hope you experience pronoia in the most profound, delightful, and surprising ways this week, and every week.