Another fun illustration I did using mung beans.
Even aMUNGst many obstacles, RBG was inarguably one of the most influential women in history who paved the way for gender equality and women’s rights. Her legacy will never be forgotten.
Mung beans are also a powerhouse when it comes to nutrition. A mere 1/4 cup (dry) contains 12g of protein and 8g of fiber. Sprouted mung beans boast even more antioxidants that assist the body in fighting off free radicals and preventing chronic disease.
My nourish bowl: No oil air-fried sweet potato fries, broccoli, cauliflower, radish, kale, avocado, lentils, and sprouted mung beans.
Sprouted mung beans can be easily added to stir fries and nourish bowls or sprinkled on top of salads to support a healthy gut microbiome and keep you full, satisfied, and energized.
There is much in the world that is beyond our control. But it’s important to remember what we do have control over- what we feed ourselves, how we move our body, where we get our information from, and who we vote for.