Airplane Mode.

Feeling uninspired? Listless? Out of ideas?

Airplane mode is the answer. The phone gives us a lot, but it takes away two of the most important ingredients for creative work- boredom and attention. Without something to numb or distract us, a few things can happen. Either we’re suddenly confronted with the big questions we’ve been avoiding, or we have enough space to invite in new ideas and ways of seeing things.

It takes a few days for the brain to relax. You’ll eat your meals and actually taste the flavors and savor your food versus staring at a screen. You’ll be more in tune with your hunger and fullness signals because you’re not distracted scrolling through TikTok. You’ll go to sleep at night without the cortisol-pumping bluelight and stimulation, only to wake feeling rested and energized. Airplane mode is a reminder of how simple and mindful life was before smartphones made us so anxious, addicted, argumentative, and (dare I say it?) dumb.

Go somewhere where you don’t have reception. Feel how liberating and freeing it is to be unreachable by phone, email, or text.

Or, simply switch to airplane mode. It’s all in your control with a flip of a button.

Choose what and whom you connect with, and when.

Experience the joy and freedom that results.