When you draw or sketch, the world becomes more beautiful. It becomes your canvas. You don’t look at the world, you see the world. It’s not just recognizing the physical reality of what exists- it’s also seeing the possibility it holds.
And therein lies the magic.
Trees at Filoli Garden.
My interpretation of what I saw from the tree branches.
From my trail run at Wunderlich Park upon cresting the top of the hill.
What I imagined when I saw this bench.
When working with my clients, there is a recognition of the current situation. The stressful job. The extra weight on the body. The demanding schedule that leaves little time for movement and self-care.
But we also create space for new possibilities. Shifting the lens to imagine something new. What if? How would it feel if we tried this? By shedding new light on our lives from a different angle allows us to visualize a new way of being and thriving in the world.
Imagining what can be is the first step to making it our reality.
More of the world (and ourselves) can be unveiled when we learn how to see. Everything has a story. Everything has potential. Including you.