These days, many people suffer from A.D.D.
Awe Deficiency Disorder.
When we experience awe, mental noise and clutter fades. Our inner critic is silenced. We experience a rush of positive emotions. Perspective shifts. The big things in life don’t seem so heavy.
If you’re feeling signs of burnout, fatigue, low energy or lethargy, perhaps the answer isn’t found in a new exercise routine or supplement. Maybe it’s a sign to check out that new trail at sunrise. Set up camp and look up at the stars. Attend a piano concert and sit on a wooden bench in a music hall and listen to the unequivocal amount of talent present in the younger generations. Maybe it’s time to be inspired by something bigger and greater than yourself. And experience the vastness of life for the first time in a long while.
An awe-inducing sunrise in Maui.
Yes, eat well and move well.
But above all, pursue awe. Persistently and relentlessly.