#Day 14 of #the100dayproject
“I felt such a sharp sense of despair and hopelessness that fueled me as I ran higher and higher. As I crested the hill, I heard a voice. It was clear that it wasn’t my own. It emerged from such a deep place within my being that I didn’t question its authority:
You are loved.
You are loved.
You are loved.”
There are a few times when I receive a strong, gnawing feeling in my heart that something needs to be said. For some reason, this watercolored image that I painted came to mind with its corresponding message, and I crawled out of bed as a pure act of obedience. I am writing this tonight because I feel this message is meant for someone: You are loved. You are whole. Everything you need is already within you.
My experience on this hill was so visceral and transformative. I stumbled up on that mountaintop with tear-stained cheeks and was met with a presence so healing and divine. A wave of peace washed over me, and that message rang so clear. As clear as a bell.
It's your message too. Perhaps you're not standing on a mountaintop. Maybe you're in bed, lying in a fetal position, or curled up on your couch, feeling just as hopeless and fearful and lost as I was. No matter where you are, this is for you:
You are loved.
You are loved.
You are loved.