Today is Day 28 in #the100dayproject. For those of you who are just joining in now, I'm pairing pieces of my journal entries from the past few years with watercolors that I'm creating daily. Around Day 19, I began to feel overwhelmed with my project and felt like I needed to constantly raise the bar on myself and my art. So much that I began to feel paralyzed in creating. So last week, I made the intention to simplify, to loosen up, to give myself some freedom in my watercolors. I did more abstract pieces, paintings that felt more like 'play.' I used my fingers to smear the watercolors, I blended paints together and watched how they bled into each other when I added more water. I took more creative risks because I released myself from any rules I had created for myself before. Without rules, there's freedom.
This week by embracing the abstract, I began to see how I was merely a channel. A circuit for a larger force that was flowing through me. What are some ways you can loosen up and let go of judgement, and allow yourself to be a conduit of something Greater this week?