As the weather gets chillier, windier and more rainy in these fall/winter months, those who identify predominantly with the vata dosha can easily find themselves feeling unbalanced, scattered, anxious, and more prone to dryness and cold.
Roasted carrots, roasted butternut squash, roasted beets and brussel sprouts, red lentils/quinoa, and sauteed kale with avocado.
Nourish bowls have recently become an integral part of my meals, and I’ve found that transitioning more to warm, cooked foods has helped me feel more grounded and aided with my digestion. And they just taste so darn GOOD, so it’s essentially a win-win.
Roasted brussel sprouts, roasted cauliflower, sweet potatoes, quinoa/red lentils with kale, pea shoots, sauerkraut, and avocado.
To save time during the week, I choose one day to make a large batch of quinoa and red lentils. Essentially it’s just 1 cup dry quinoa and 1 cup split red lentils boiled in 4 cups of vegetable broth. I add a dash of turmeric, cumin, mustard seeds, ground fennel, and cook it until the liquid has been absorbed. I’ve been adding kale or red chard at the end of the cooking cycle. From there, I’ll put together whatever other vegetables I’ve roasted- beets, brussel sprouts, carrots, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, delicata squash….the possibilities are endless.
Today’s creation- roasted delicata squash with a splash of balsamic finish, roasted beets, roasted cauliflower, quinoa/red lentils with sauteed baby chard, kale, and the fresh beet greens.
When I batch cook and roast my vegetables, it sets me up for success during the rest of the week. I merely put together my own nourish bowl ingredients and heat them up for a deliciously warm, nutritious and balanced meals throughout the week. Let me know what combos you’re inspired to try! The possibilities are endless.