It was the middle of June. I was deep into #the100dayproject at this point, watercoloring illustrations of journal entries that I had chosen to share with the world. During this time I was also doing The 90 Day Impact Challenge- inspired by Don Reed- which involves not having any refined sugar or alcohol. So naturally, kombucha became my 'drink' of choice.
I love GT's kombucha, and often noticed they had a special 'words of enlightenment' section on the bottle with inspiring quotes. One day I was painting and thought, "Wow, that would be really awesome if MY quote could be on a bottle!"
And a tiny voice whispered, "Why can't it be?"
The quote was taken from a journal entry I'd written back in February- "There's no reason to feel stuck. Good ideas are like the sunrise, they happen everyday. I just have to wake up, know which direction to look, and notice them."
So a few months later when Don and I went to Safeway and I turned the bottle of GT's Raspberry Chia kombucha around in my hand and read my quote there, it was a completely surreal moment. He looked me in the eyes and said, "This is manifestation in its clearest possible form. You can apply exactly what you did in this situation to larger and bigger things in your life."
This is true for you as well. What you envision and imagine and take action towards can, in fact, become your reality. Try it for yourself.