Forest of Nisene Marks State Park, Santa Cruz
I feel as though I have completed a karmic cycle. In my physical space I am clearing and releasing an old version of myself that no longer matches who I am now. I recycled a board covered with old race bibs from my first marathon, Ironman, a few half Ironman races, and trail races. I recycled all the metals that hung from this board. Released articles of clothing that no longer fit my style and current aesthetic. It feels really good. I am grateful for everything that my younger self needed to learn in order to expand into who I currently am.
This space also needed an update. When I first started a blog back in 2008, it was called “” The younger version of me needed triathlon. It was a way to ground myself when my personal life had been blown apart. The structure of triathlon training provided me with certainty. I had a training plan with how many yards to swim, how many miles to run, how long to ride each day. The routine gave me a sense of security when every other part of my personal and professional life was unknown.
When I created this website, I automatically transferred my old writing over. Going back and reading old posts from when this writing/blogging journey began was sentimental. Many posts were cringe-worthy. And others made me reflect and smile because those parts of myself still remain very much awake and alive.
Like a snake shedding its skin, it feels cathartic to release the old and stretch into the new. Always changing. Always growing. Always becoming.
Here’s to the unfolding, evolving, expanding adventure of life. Here’s to all the things that morph and change and dissolve. And to those things that forever remain the same because they are part of our true essence and our divine nature.
Thanks for being here and for being with me on this journey.