Lift Heavy.

This is the one piece of wisdom I’ve been sharing with all my clients- especially women in perimenopause and menopause. Strength train. Progressively increase the weight you’re lifting over time. Train to build muscle.

This doesn’t mean cardio with weights. This means slowing down. Focus on the mind-muscle connection. Add enough weight to squeeze out that 5th rep, not bang out 12-15 reps.

The more muscle you have, the more fat you’ll burn at rest. Your insulin sensitivity will improve. Your longevity will increase. You’ll improve your sleep and mood.

I’ve evaluated enough body composition scans to objectively see how lifting heavy (NOT doing excessive cardio!) improves body fat percentage, decreases visceral fat levels, and most of all, improves well-being and confidence.

Building muscle takes time and consistency. But just like any investment, it’s the compound interest that adds up. Show up for yourself. Do the work. It’ll transform you both inside and out.