A Life of Gratitude.

This past Dec 31st, my friend and I opened our gratitude slips together and shared this 11-year tradition in person.

Many of my clients are seeking ways of getting offline before bed and cultivating a calming wind-down routine. Since this is the beginning of the year, I’d like to share my evening practice of going back to the analog method of writing down daily gratitude and ending my day with positive emotions.

For the past eleven years, my best friend and I have kept a gratitude jar. We have a New Year’s Eve tradition of opening each gratitude slip and reliving and remembering all the tiny miracles and blessings from the past year.

There are small wins and big wins. Moments of connection with a friend or a stranger (who later became a friend). Glimpses of happiness that I would’ve normally forgotten about during the year. I open each one and remember that particular day with clarity and nostalgia. I take pictures of certain ones and send them to friends so they can share in this joy.

At the end of the year, I stack all these Post-its into a huge pile and place them in a plastic bag. Each bag contains a time capsule of all my happiest moments of that year.

This year marked eleven years of memories.

I’d like to think that when I’m gone, someone will find this shoebox filled with the happiest moments of my life. It wouldn’t be recreated by AI or owned by anyone online.

It would simply be tangible proof of a life rich with joy and gratitude.

To Return to my Trees.

Fall Creek trail, Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park (photo by Anthony Lê)

My friend’s mom passed away suddenly this week.

She shared the date and time of her funeral services. Both fall on the same date and time as my dad’s 80th birthday celebration. Oh, the irony.

I recently learned a new Welsh phrase- “Dod yn ôl at fy nghoed”- which means “to return to a balanced state of mind.”

When translated, it means “to return to my trees.'“

Being here amongst my trees did just that. It returned me to a balanced state of mind. A place where I could simultaneously hold space for both celebration and grief. Love and loss. Life and death.

Nature, like our hearts, can hold it all too.

Signs You're in a Good Place.

You wake up before your alarm.

When someone cuts you off on the freeway, you give them the benefit of the doubt- “Maybe their wife just went into labor.

You have time to pet all the dogs on your daily walk.

Things that used to bother you no longer do.

You’re more future-oriented than past-oriented.

Recent Google searches include: ‘What time is low tide?’ ‘Best romantic brunch spots near me.’ ‘Best 80th birthday party game ideas.’

When you’re feeling down, you have someone to call.

When something amazing happens to you, you have someone to call.

You drink more water than coffee.

Strangers smile back at you.

You go to sleep looking forward to the next day.

You have a ton of fun, sexy photos on your camera roll, but you don’t feel the need to post them.

Time slows because you’re learning new things and visiting new places.

You spend more time reading books than scrolling on social media.

Friends’ wins feel like your own.

You understand that everything can change in an instant, but for now, you’re happy and grateful that things are just the way they are.

You realize every day is a gift because time is precious and sacred.

And running out.


We work hard on our work resumes.

But what about our life resumes?

The years I remember the most were the ones when I had a year-defining event that I was actively and relentlessly working toward. Completing an Ironman. Quitting my clinical nutrition job and starting my own private practice. Writing and self-publishing my book.

I came across the concept of ‘misogi’ recently. In Shinto faith, ‘misogi’ means ‘water cleansing.’ In practice, individuals make a yearly pilgrimage to frigid waterfalls, lakes, and rivers to purify and cleanse their minds and bodies. The aim is to scrub yourself clean of the contamination caused by modern conveniences.

In current society, some have adapted ‘misogi’ to represent their year-defining challenge. An event, adventure, or personal/professional milestone that is extremely challenging and hard. One that forces someone to ‘cleanse off’ their self-doubt, worries, laziness, and fear to complete. One where there’s a possibility that you may not complete it, finish it, or reach it. That slight possibility is what make it your misogi, versus just another adventure. By relentlessly working toward your misogi and pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone, you discover new potential in yourself. You unlock a new gear. Find your new edge.

When someone asks you about 2025, what do you want to be extremely proud of working toward and completing?

What scares you and excites you at the same time?

Make this your misogi.

Then put it on your 2025 calendar.

An Ode to Our Younger Selves.

Ewoldsen Trail, Big Sur

There’s beauty in returning to places that honor our younger selves.

I last visited Ewoldsen trail in Oct 2016, during a time when I felt stuck and unhappy. Exploring this place solo allowed me to feel brave and curious, two elements that created a cocktail of bigger dreams. I used photos from that hike when building my website. This trail encompasses what’s required when confronting change- winding through the mist, crossing streams, and climbing…only to be rewarded with a jaw-dropping panoramic view that makes everything worth it.

Discontent is a quiet nudge. The first step was accepting how dissatisfied I was. The second was allowing myself the space and permission to dream bigger. Coming back here was a love letter to my younger self. She was uncertain and terrified to leave her comfort zone, but stepping away enabled new doors to open.

I hope this year we continually grow and explore. That we take that small but brave action for our future selves. That we believe in what’s possible. And never quit before the miracle.

Creating 2025.

After doing my yearly review of 2024, clear themes emerged. Highlights consisted of exploring new places in nature, speaking and performing on different stages, and facilitating workshops and events in the community. The highlights were not how many Zoom meetings I had, how many emails I sent out, and how many hours I spent responding to texts.

Time is finite. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

This is the opportunity to play offense with your time at the start of the calendar year. If you don’t play offense, your time and calendar will become a victim to an onslaught of weddings, soccer games, baby showers, and other people’s agendas.

Now is the time to plan and craft your ideal 2025. Now is the time to purposefully create and block off weekends to have those adventures and experiences with people you love. I’m planning one new adventure every two months, so at the end of 2025, I will have had at least SIX (!) memorable experiences in the year. Since my highlights included adventures with my closest friends, I’m planning on pairing these with the people I love to maximize the ROI.

I’m visual, so my solution was purchasing a huge 2025 wall calendar where I can see the entire year planned out. I’m organizing and color-coding travel, speaking/workshops, and my Big Six.

We can become financially rich, but what about becoming time rich? Just like becoming financially rich, it’s something we can create an cultivate. It requires discipline, knowledge, and having a good system in place.

I can’t wait to see what 2025 holds for all of us and the adventures you create and embark upon. Share with me what some of your Big Six are for the year!

Light and Shadows.

A little shadow play at the “Under One Moon” art exhibit in San Jose. Various children’s artwork of the moon was projected on the wall of the interactive galley exhibition.

There was a quick interchange between projected pieces on the wall. It became a fun artistic challenge as I aimed to match the energy of the art with my silhouette. My photographer, Anthony Lê commented, “Some artists create art. Some artists become a part of the art.” This impromptu photo shoot was that indeed.

All of life is a mixture of light and shadows. Joy and grief. Contentment and longing. Safety and adventure.

That same morning, when I drove home after a huge thunderstorm, the sun peeked out, creating a rainbow stretching across the sky. It was a tangible reminder that beauty comes from the intersection of sunshine and rain, light and shadows.

It’s up to us to dance between both- fully immersing ourselves in that playful space.

Life Advice from Japan.

Go at a pace that allows you to engage all of your senses and be fully present to life.

Nourish your body with complex carbohydrates like brown rice.

Spend time immersed in nature. Here, I’m experiencing forest bathing for the first time and engaging my senses in the smell of the fresh earth.

Carve out deliberate space in your life to do and make things just for pure joy.

Life is Too Damn Short For...

Not stopping to take a picture of the sunrise. Not wearing the sexy outfit that you’ve been saving for a special occasion. Not sending the text to the friend who’s been on your mind. Finishing the book that everyone says is good, but you can’t get into it. Finishing the meal you’re not completely crazy about. Finishing anything that you’re heart isn’t fully into. Skipping the event because you don’t know anyone else going. RSVP’ing no because your ex will be there. Listening to people complain. Holding onto clothes that no longer fit your body. Holding onto grudges. Holding onto the past. Judging your worth based on your accomplishments. Judging your impact based on your follower count. Judging yourself at all. Skipping dessert. Being afraid of forgetting your lines on stage. Being afraid of taking up space. Forgetting your magic. Spending so much time future-tripping that you forget to live in the present moment. Because the present moment is all we really have.