2021 Lessons.

Positive and negative thinking are contagious- carefully select who you spend time with

When you see something good in someone else, speak it

Wholeness is not found in a partner, it’s a state of mind

You are ultimately responsible for your own happiness

Say “yes” with conviction and “no” without guilt

Not everyone deserves access to your energy

It doesn’t get easier, you just get stronger

Do things that support “future you”

Everything is an experiment

Celebrate the small wins

Do less, better

Prioritize rest

Missing You.

Newest work. Alcohol ink on yupo paper, made with Procreate.

We never lose our loved ones. They accompany us; they don’t disappear from our lives. We are merely in different rooms.
— Paolo Coelho

This year I lost someone I loved very deeply. At times, the grief is overwhelming and all-consuming. Small things remind me of him- the fountain pen he had sent to me after his death that sits on my desk because he believed I’d author a book one day, the loose-leaf Oolong tea I’ll sip that was one of his favorite blends, the distinct Japanese incense he first brought over as a housewarming gift. I sense his presence when I meditate, when I hike in the Redwoods and whenever I am near the ocean.

He was my teacher and friend. He was also an artist and poet, always curious what I was learning and what kind of art I was creating. I made this tonight and it’s my favorite piece I’ve done all year because it captures how profound both life and death are- and how lucky we are when we can love and be loved by someone remarkable. Everyday I think about him and miss him. Grief is proof of how much we’ve loved. It’s love persevering.

I hope he smiles when he sees this from the other room.

Wants and Needs.

SCA Trail, Marin Headlands

Two weeks ago, my dad messaged me- “Don’t get me anything for Christmas. I have no wants or needs. Thanks.”

He’s at a place in life that I hope to arrive at one day. Unlike him, I have wants and needs, but nature satisfies many of them.

Nature is the best gift when I need to clear my head or be alone with my thoughts. When I want to build a deeper connection with someone for hours without sitting at a coffee shop. When I need novelty and want to experience the thrill of discovering and exploring a new trail. When I want to remind myself of my breath and being in this sacred body.

Just as some watch reruns of their favorite shows or movies because knowing the ending eases anxiety, the solace of a familiar, well-loved trail gives me the same stability and ease. If I could send a text to nature I’d say, “You’ve already given me everything- health, connection, exploration and comfort. I have no wants or needs. Thanks.”

Purposely Woven Together: A Spoken Word Poem

I am celebrating another year around the sun. This spoken word poem encapsulates everything I’ve been learning, unlearning, and embracing. It is about perspective, trusting the process, and celebrating the present moment. May you be reminded that your story isn’t over it. And that thing you’ve been thinking about creating?

Make it.

You’re the only one in the world with your perspective, skills, talents, and taste.

May you know that your life and story have been purposely woven together with intention.

A Taste Of Your Own Medicine.

(Photo: Zach McGarvey)

Don’t give them a taste of their own medicine. They already know what it tastes like. Give them a taste of your own medicine. If they lied, let your medicine be honesty. If they played with your emotions, let your medicine be maturity. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, even if it means removing yourself from lives that you want to be in. You are, no doubt, worthy of being valued for who you are. So be who you are.
— Najwa Zebian

Everything Belongs.


The other day, I went through my old blogposts in an effort to organize what belongs here professionally and which other ones- largely the personal entries- can be edited into ‘private’ mode.

Nine years of sharing my experiences on this piece of internet real estate is a long time. I scrolled all the way down to the beginning of the archive here with the eye of an editor- cut, delete, trim. Take out the vulnerable, I’m-exposing-too-much-of-myself posts. Leave the recipes. Those are safe.

And then, out of the blue, I received an email from someone who wrote thanking me in response to an extremely personal piece I’d written several years ago.

I paused. I realized that everything here, regardless if it relates to my ‘profession’ or not, has made me into the person I am today.

And so I’m keeping it here.

I started this sharing my writing here around 9 years ago as a way to document a “30 runs in 30 days” challenge. At the time I was feeling lost and unfulfilled, both personally and professionally. For those 30 days, I made a commitment to move outside in nature and snap a photo as proof.

Little did I know, I was rewiring my brain. It forced me to take my attention off of everything going wrong in my life and instead deliberately look for beauty. I think back and remember feeling the shift in my energy and well-being from merely spending time in nature. In 2016, I wrote in my journal- “Is there a way to pair nutrition coaching with nature?” and in the past few years I made this dream into a reality.

Nature provided a sanctuary for my own healing and established the groundwork for my practice. It connects me to old and new friends in ways that only outdoor adventures can do. What started as a 30 day challenge has fundamentally changed my perspective, my career path, the way I see the world and the people I spend my time with. These past nine years and the writing and photos I’ve documenting along this journey are proof.

It’s never too late to begin exploring outside. You don’t need to be an elite athlete. You can be an exhausted human being who spends too many hours mindlessly scrolling and feeling anxious about the future. Perfect! Put on your shoes and open the door and breathe in fresh air and look at the sky. Eventually the fog will clear and you will feel the light shine on your entire being. Nature will remind you that you’re here- awake and alive.

It’s also never too late to begin documenting your journey. Writing your thoughts down. Sharing what you learn. You never know who may be reading, anonymously, across the world.

Celebrating the Journey: A Spoken Word Poem

As we hiked along the coastline near Mori Point overlooking the ocean, my client captured this video of our experience. Watching it later, I was inspired by the visual reminder of zooming out and widening our perspective on our life and journey, and this spoken word poem was birthed. May you also remember that whatever journey you’re on- career, parenting, self-improvement or wellness- to take time to celebrate how far you’ve come.

It’s tempting to focus on where you want to be

Without zooming out, it’s impossible to see

All the habits that you’ve broken and the wins along the way

Each step forward was a victory that made you who you are today.

So widen your perspective, and from this new view

Celebrate how far you’ve come

Say "hello” to the NEW you.

Chickpea Cookie Dough!

Who loves cookie dough? 🙋🏻‍♀️ As a kid, I’d secretly sneak handfuls in my mouth while baking, even despite the salmonella warnings from my mom.

As a registered dietitian, I love finding recipes that give us the best of both worlds- delicious nostalgic cookie dough that’s also packed with fiber, protein, healthy fat, and has no dairy and refined sugar. 🤯

Recently I’ve been asked about ‘what to do about holiday eating.’ It’s the beginning of the season for baked goods, cookies, hot sugary beverages, pies, and so.many.refined.treats.

This recipe is a great one to have on hand to quell the sugar cravings, and even bring with you to a potluck or dinner to share with others. Let people guess what the secret ingredient is. Bet they won’t guess it’s chickpeas!!



-1 15-oz can drained chickpeas
-1/4 c. creamy nut butter (use sunbutter for a nut-free version)
-1/4 c. oat flour or almond flour
-1/4 tsp. baking powder
-1 Tbsp. pure vanilla extract
-1/4 c. monkfruit sugar (this won’t raise blood sugar levels 🙌🏻), maple syrup is another option- sweeten to taste
-1/3 c. chocolate chips (Enjoy Life or Trader Joe’s semi-sweet chocolate chips are both dairy-free options)

1. Add all the ingredients into a food processor and process until smooth and fully combined.
2. Stir in the chocolate chips. Be generous. Like as generous as you are with someone you really, really love.
3. Refrigerate for best texture. Enjoy, and remember that treats can always be a part of the plan!

How To Know You're On the Right Path.

Sunset and Moonrise on Montara Mountain.

Sunset and Moonrise on Montara Mountain.

How do you know you’re on the right path?

You no longer betray yourself.

You no longer compromise who you are.

You live in integrity and alignment.

You attract people in your life who support you.

You create abundance and opportunities to use your gifts for the greater good.

You understand how energy management is more important than time management.

You connect your daily activities to a greater purpose and mission.

You continually step out of your comfort zone.

You wake up with excitement.

You go to bed with gratitude and a sense of accomplishment.

This is how you know.

Change Happens Most When We Remember Who We Are.

My latest work- alcohol ink on yupo paper.

My latest work- alcohol ink on yupo paper.

There’s a brilliant family of people in Africa, called the Himba. When a Himba woman is expecting a child, she goes out into the wilderness with a few of her sisters, and together they wait till they hear in their hearts the song of the coming child.

Himba women wait as long as they need to; they wait under stars; they wait until the dream of the child begins to beat like a singular rhythm under their hearts. Because these sisters know that every heart has its own unique beat—its own wild and blazing purpose. And when the Himba women attune to the song of the coming child, they circle around and together they sing the miraculous refrain of the expected child. Then they return to the gathering of their people and teach this child’s unique song to the waiting community.

When the anticipated child is finally born and taken into arms, the Himba family enfolds her with their presence, and their voices rise, singing the child’s own song to her breathing in first air of this earth. Later, when the child begins her schooling, the villagers gather and boldly chant the child’s song. And then when the child passes through the initiation to adulthood, the Himba again circle round
and sing hopefully and bravely. At the time of marriage, the young woman again hears the assuring notes of her very own song, carrying.

But there is one more occasion upon which the Himba sing.
If at any time during her life the sister loses her way, falls short, forgets who she really is, or lets anything steal the dream of who she is meant to be, she is gently beckoned to the center of the village. And there she stands, her people forming a safe, ringing circle around her, like her own galaxy of stars. Then the villagers sing, letting the beat of her drum, the rhythm of her own being rouse her to wake to the dream of her soul again. They sing her own soul song to her because Himba sisters believe that change happens most when we remember who we are and whose we are.
— From "The Dream of You" by Jo Saxton

Letter Perfect.

Follow your bliss.
If you do follow your bliss,
you put yourself on a kind of track
that has been there all the while waiting for you,
and the life you ought to be living
is the one you are living.
When you can see that,
you begin to meet people
who are in the field of your bliss,
and they open the doors to you.
I say, follow your bliss and don’t be afraid,
and doors will open
where you didn’t know they were going to be.
If you follow your bliss,
doors will open for you that wouldn’t have opened for anyone else.
— Joseph Campbell

Feeling the energy after sipping an iced coffee with a new friend, we decided to walk down University Avenue in Palo Alto. I was new to the area, and felt the buzz of excitement exploring a part of town I’d never seen. We stopped by upscale boutique shops and laughed while trying on overpriced dresses and outlandish scarves and hats. There was a quaint stationery store we stepped into, and an overwhelming feeling washed over me. Out of nowhere a deep desire within me surfaced.

I want my cards to be sold here.

Two years later on August 9, 2021, I re-entered this adorable store. My smile was covered with a mask, and inside my handbag were a variety of my card designs. A makeshift ‘portfolio’ with a compilation of different styles, quotes, aesthetics, both snarky and encouraging, and all hand-painted and hand-lettered. To my delight, the owner Gwen said YES. I left the store and immediately broke down in the street because making art for me has been my way of “following my bliss” and now doors are opening.

As a wellness coach, I derive deep joy from empowering my clients to see their own talents and light- to free them from habits that block or obscure their true nature. All of these hand-painted and hand-lettered cards capture the essence of the same messages I teach, through the medium of cards.

Today I dropped them off and couldn’t stop thinking about that summer day in 2019. That seed of a dream stayed with me, and today was proof that what we imagine and dream for ourselves can, in fact, come true.

A few of my designs that are now sold at Letter Perfect.

A few of my designs that are now sold at Letter Perfect.

If you’re in the area, please stop by. Letter Perfect won the 2021 “Best Of” award for Best Stationery Store in Palo Alto, and now is home to my Kanzaki Cards.

Letter Perfect is located on 384 University Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301.

Letter Perfect is located on 384 University Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301.

And whatever you do, keep dreaming and making. May this be evidence that dreams can come true.